Semi-Permanent make-up, micro-pigmentation, cosmetic tattooing all fall under the same title, this is the application of non-toxic hypo-allergenic pigment place into the top layer of the skin to imitate perfectly applied make-up or natural hair strokes.
Semi-Permanent Make-up is used for many different reasons, if you have scarring, have had alopecia, have undergone chemotherapy, to help disguise skin imperfections, if you struggle putting make-up on, if you have old work needing corrected, if you are an athlete or just for convenience - imagine perfectly applied make-up no smudging!
This is very much depending on the area being worked on and the effect wanted, you would expect:
We call this semi-permanent as it can last from 1-3 year in your skin, as the pigment fades through time traces of the pigment may stay in your skin for longer. A top up treatment will be required after 1-2 years. Different areas of your face will fade at different rates due to lifestyles, age, skin type, exfoliation process and the density of colour initially applied.
Well this is the million dollar question and as much as I would love to say that this is pain free it is still a form of tattooing! A topical anaesthetic is applied prior to treatment to minimise pain, most if not all of my clients find the treatments relatively pain free.
This is very much depending on the nature of the area and the chosen effect. Straight after treatment you would find that the pigment looks 30-50% darker than the desired result, however you would definitely be able to resume normal life with few noticing!
An initial consultation is essential as here we will do the necessary paperwork and patch tests, for the brows, I will tint and wax them and fill them in to show you what is achievable, likewise with the lips and liner I will draw on and give you an idea of the potential. All this will be done taking into consideration your expectations and your individual facial features to which would complement you best.
This treatment is medically approved safe, be assured the pigments which are used are to the highest standards and made from non-toxic hypoallergenic properties.
Prior to Eyelash enhancements, eyeliner procedures it is advised that you do not perm or curl your lashes two weeks before or after, also if you wear glasses bring them with you as lenses are not advised for 24 hours after treatment.
You will receive an aftercare leaflet and a soothing balm to apply for 5-7 days post procedure.
Pigment will lighten in healing process so expect to see at least 3 different colours when you are in the healing process